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Language skills Connection circle

Language skills develop when children see the bigger picture. Unfortunately, language and reading education at primary schools consists of a large mess of separate subjects and lesson components. As a result language skills get worse.

Source: Linkedin, Truus Römgens (Netherlands)

#readingskills #Systems thinking

Systems thinking helps to see relationships and stimulate #thinking. The publication ‘Discover a new vision of language based on the world’ provides practical tips for getting started with the vision.

Translation (use button at right top of this website)
reading language development
quality of the teacher
using rich themes
understanding the world
collaborative learning
stimulating curiosity

I have shown the 5 principles as variables in a #connectioncircle. The systems thinking language clarifies the relationship between variables. The most important variable in this circle is ‘the quality of the teacher’!!!

Became curious:

Truus Römgens has made this connection circle in response to a new educational program from Blink. More than 4,000 schools and 600,000 pupils in primary and secondary education are working with one or more of Blink’s methods.

I do not have any participation with Blink, but their vision on language education is interesting. They say: “The world as a base.” Unfortunately all of Blink’s website is in Dutch. For the most of you that won’t be easy. Therefore I quote the most important of it:

“Reading comprehension, technical reading, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, writing, linguistics… Language and reading education at primary school consists of a large mix of separate subjects and lesson components. Children jump from lesson to lesson all day long, without really understanding what they are doing. Or what the point of that is.

The Dutch language and reading level has therefore been falling for years.

At Blink we believe that this can be done differently. With the world as the basis of language education. Because it is only when you connect all those separate parts that children start to see the bigger picture. A world that is worth discovering for yourself, experiencing for yourself and which makes you curious to think for yourself.

And if you, as a teacher, help and challenge them every day, they will automatically become better at language.”

How about you?

I wonder if anywhere in the world someone has an equal educational language program with big focus on the world. Please leave a repley.

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